Shifnal Primary School

Shifnal Primary School

"We're proud to achieve!"

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Hello everyone!    






Your child's Seesaw account is an extension of their school 'Learning Journey' book and contributes towards their year's activities and assessment. 

Please sign on and begin using the app if you haven't already.   

We will add stories and learning tasks to Seesaw as well as photos to give you an insight into our school learning activities so you can chat about these with your child.

Please feel free to share any 'Wow' moments or photos by uploading them to Seesaw. We will always respond with a 'like' or comment and it will contribute towards your child's learning journey and assessments. It is also interesting for us to see the skills they show at home, like swimming or riding a bike, looking after pets, days out etc.  


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Home learning during isolation

Parents - we know everyone's circumstances are different.  Just do what you can, and do not hesitate to contact us at the email address on the main class page. We can send you links to the learning your child may be missing.

In Reception we learn through play inside and outside, so if possible take opportunities to t explore outdoors.

It is also important to follow your child's interests as we do in school.  Let them choose their own play and practise their reading and sounds for a short time each day.

Fine motor activities to build hand strength for writing are great. These include play dough, construction kits and colouring. We do 'dough gym' in school and you will find many clips on YouTube for this. 



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Read Write Inc. Phonics and Reading

Each day learn or revise a new sound. Currently the children will be revising set 1 sounds. 


Click on the link below for sounds lessons from the Ruth Miskin website.

Click here

The daily lessons are available on YouTube.

Look for Set 1 and select 'PLAY ALL'

This is exactly as we teach in class so the children will be familiar with the methods.

Remember you also have the little green books as a back up if access to the internet is restricted. 

Click here for the video lessons 

Join Mrs Smallman for Set 1 Speedy Sounds and Special Friends

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You will find a choice of Read Write Inc. reading books and

ditty sheets on the Oxford Owl website


For your login user name and password check your class page 

For children learning Set 1 sounds use Read Write Inc Sounds Blending Books. When they are confident with the set 1 sounds use the ditty cards.

For children learning Set 2 sounds use the ditty sheets then move on to the red ditty books.

**When your child reads a book make a note of it in their 'Reading Record' with any comments as you usually do. This will help us monitor their progress when we are back.

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White Rose Maths

Use the link below to access the Early Years Home Learning activities.


Check with us which section we are on so you can do the same as us in school.


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We also use Numberblocks in school and the children love them! 

Using Numberblocks and White Rose, you will see how even with the lower numbers, we teach by mastery which gives the children at this young age a firm foundation of the concepts and understanding of mathematics.  This is extended as they play. 

The links below will outline the maths links for each episode

Link to the Numberblocks Series 1 Overview with Maths concepts detailed

Link to the Numberblocks Series 2 Overview with maths concepts detailed


Please check with us which Numberblocks episodes will reinforce the learning this week.



If you would like to learn even more there are plenty of lessons on  on The Oak National Academy website. Here is the link:


 Again, check with us which learning activities will complement what we are doing in school.



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Physical Education

Keeping your body moving and healthy is important. Perhaps you'll enjoy doing some exercise in your garden this week? Are you riding your bike or playing bat and ball with someone? Here are some website links that will keep you fit and healthy too! 

The Body Coach look for his child-friendly sessions. He is doing sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am on his Bodycoach youtube page.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Oti Mabuse Dance Class for kids

Story time               

We enjoy our stories in school and we will share some of our favourites here. There are lots of great story tellers and books on YouTube.  

We will be adding stories to SEESAW for you to access whenever you like. 


As you read or listen to stories together, spot rhyming words, talk about the story and the characters and invent your own versions or endings.

Have fun and stay safe! 

Don't hesitate to contact us by email 

should you have any queries.