Parent's Pastoral Page!
Welcome 2024/2025
If you require any further advice or support please contact the school...
01952 460500
Mrs M Nagra -
Mrs K Probyn -
We hope you find these pastoral pages useful and informative.
Please scroll down for all new posts as well as previous information.
These pages will be updated each term.
"Have your say on emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Shropshire, Telford, and Wrekin"
Dr Priya George, Children and Young People’s Mental Health Clinical Lead for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, emphasised the importance of the survey:
“This is a crucial opportunity for us to hear directly from children, young people, and their families and carers. We want to learn what works well and where we can improve emotional wellbeing and mental health services. Your voices will guide us in improving and creating future services that are accessible, effective, and truly meet the needs of our communities.”
NHS Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin are conducting a survey to gather insight into the experiences of parents/carers and young people of mental health and wellbeing services locally. It is vital that as many parents/carers and young people as possible have their say so we can help to rebuild the mental health support available to us.
To read more please visit...
To take part in the survey, please visit... and select the "Child, young person, parent or carer survey" tab on the right of the page. Please note an appropriate adult should help complete the survey on behalf of a young person under 16.
Tips to help keep your child safe on WhatsApp
Get to know privacy settings
There are four main settings that you can use to help your child control who can see their information:
- Everyone – allows all users to see your profile photo, about or status.
- My contacts – only allows people from your phone contacts to see your profile photo, about, status, last seen and online.
- My contacts except… – allows you to exclude certain people in your phone contacts from seeing your information.
- Nobody – doesn’t allow anyone to see your information.
The default setting on WhatsApp is ‘everyone’ but you can help your child to set their privacy controls by clicking the ‘settings’ cog and selecting ‘privacy’. Here you can select each type of information and change it to the setting that you want.
To prevent children being added to groups by people they don’t know, we recommend changing the group settings to ‘My contacts except’ and using the tick icon to select all contacts. This option means only your child’s phone contacts, except those you exclude, can add your child to groups. But by selecting all contacts, it means that nobody can add your child to a group chat without first sending them an invitation.
In the same section, you can also switch off ‘read receipts’, which means other people cannot see when you have read their message. This might help if your child is feeling under pressure to respond to messages.
Make use of safety features
Show your child how to block and report other users of the app or inappropriate content. For information on how to block or report on WhatsApp visit: How to block and report contacts | WhatsApp Help Center.
Talk about sharing
Talk to your child regularly about what they should and shouldn’t share with others on WhatsApp. You can read more about this here: Social media | NSPCC
Remind your child that, even if they think what they are sending will stay private, others might save, forward or screenshot it. Talk to them about making sure others are comfortable with what they are sending and let them know they can come to you if they are worried about something they have shared on the app.
Set rules about location sharing
Decide with your child if it is appropriate for them to share their location with others and who they are allowed to share it with. You can disable location permissions by going into your device settings and switching off location services for WhatsApp.
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Early help is a team effort, not just one service. All agencies that work with children, young people and families are responsible for listening to their concerns and worries. They'll work closely with families to make sure they get the right support at the right time.
Our goal is to strengthen our relationships in communities, where we all work together, combining our ideas with other services to help families in Shropshire.
If you're concerned about a child or would like some advice and support, call 0345 678 9021.
Autism West Midlands No Diagnosis needed
- We provide a free autism information helpline offering a first point of contact for families and individuals in crisis
- We provide advice and support sessions families and carers of children on the autistic spectrum
- We enable adults to access support within their local community to build resilience, confidence, and skills to actively participate in society
- We offer training to parents, professionals and individuals and much more!
- Please visit:
Autism West Midlands Shropshire Family Service Update January 2025
Happy New Year to you all, we hope that you had a chance to relax and enjoy Christmas. We are back and raring to get started with several new training sessions and exciting new events as you will see listed below. Keep an eye on the Autism West Midlands Facebook page to be first to hear about our events or take a look at the events section of our website .
We continue to provide online advice appointments and have listed more slots for January. No diagnosis is needed to access this service to Shropshire residents. Face to face appointments are available by request if you email the team.
Here is an overview of our upcoming events:
Teen Events – Actio All In (ages 11-17 years)
17th February – 10-12.30 Crafts and Board Games Sunflower House Shrewsbury
20th February - Attingham Park wander/café 1-3.30
Family Event
21st February – 9-10.30 Soft Play , The Gingerbread man Market Drayton
Face to Face Parent Meetings
7th January – 1-3pm Stay and Play, Early Help Bridgnorth Library
20th January – 10-11.30 Coffee and chat, Sunflower House Shrewsbury
21st January – 10-11.30am Coffee and chat, St Andrew’s Church Shifnal
23rd January – 9am-12 All ages event Wem Library
31st January – 10-12 Oswestry training and coffee and chat, Memorial Hall
Book any of the above sessions at the below link:
Online Training
14thJanuary - PDA webinar
11th February - Understanding Autism webinar
Book an online advice appointment with an Autism Specialist Advisor here…
- WEEKLY Teams Advice slots
For those who would like some online advice we are offering this virtually via video appointments. Teams also works well on mobile phones. To book a 45 min advice appointment with a specialist autism advisor please book via our shop. If the dates/timings of our online advice appointments are not convenient for you, please contact us to make alternative arrangements – scroll down for details.
- Virtual Support Group for Parents - Wednesday Mornings 10am - 11am & Wednesday Evenings 7.30pm – 8.30pm – 1st and 3rd Weds of each month (term time)
Our online support groups meet twice a month via Teams. This is an opportunity to talk with other parents, share ideas, and offer support. We recommend that you have attended an online advice appointment with a member of the team before joining group sessions (link above).
If you would like to join either of the support groups, please email the team here
- Advice and support
We also offer advice and support over the phone and via email. Parents/carers and professionals can contact the team directly to arrange an appointment including face-to-face if preferable.
Shropshire office - 01952 454156 (answer machine only)
Mon- Fri - Kerry McLafferty 07900784186
Mon, Tue, Wed, - Dawn Lewis 07706309382
Tue, Thu, Fri - Nicola King 07706337511
Please remember - No formal diagnosis is needed to access the AWM Shropshire service and there is no formal referral route – parents/carers can self-refer by booking an advice appointment or contacting us directly on our Shropshire email address. You can also use our helpline.
Shropshire Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people that are aged between 0 – 25 years, with SEND, and their parents, living in Shropshire. IASS offers parents and young people supports around any concerns they might have around special educational needs and /or disability (SEND) and explains your options, rights and responsibilities
Phone: 01743 280019 (Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm)
Website: Citizens Advice - Shropshire IASS
Facebook: IASS Shropshire
Facebook (Young People): Young IASS Shropshire
The groups are delivered Virtually via MS Teams or Face to Face at a venue in Shropshire.
All our groups run for 10 weeks from the start date excluding the School Holidays
SEND groups are for parents/carers of children who might have special educational needs and disabilities,
no formal diagnosis is needed to attend the groups.
o Would you like to know more about
your child’s development?
o Do you need help and support to
understand your child’s behaviour?
o Would you like a chance to meet with
other parents and carers with children
of a similar age?
To book a place on one of our groups or for further information on the groups we run
please contact the Parenting Team by: Emailing: or call
us on Telephone: 01743 250950
All our groups are free to Shropshire Council residents.
FREE for all parents, carers and grandparents of children living in Shropshire.
Access from your own home or join a group.
To access any of the free sessions go to then apply this 'Access Code' DARWIN 18
See below for more Understanding Your Child (UYC) sessions, groups and information.
Parent and adult relationships
Shropshire Strengthening Families
Shropshire County Council
Information, advice and support.
Supporting parents to manage difficult situations. Building effective communication skills that help adults to resolve arguments in ways that reduce conflict for parents and their children.
Please scroll through the screen below.....
More support for parent / adult relationships
Parent information - links to Twinkl Parents
Check out the website. Address below.
Healthier Together
![]() Have you seen the Healthier Together website? It provides advice for parents, young people and pregnant women, as well as clinical resources to support healthcare professionals. You'll find clear information on common childhood illnesses for both physical and mental health, including advice on what 'red-flag' signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long symptoms are likely to last. Visit the website to find out more – the menu option in the top right hand corner is good for navigating the different sections. |
Children & Young People aged 11 and above can access free confidential support and counselling from Kooth, which is an online service, without a referral.
Kooth would like to remind you of the availability of their online service to support the wellbeing and resilience of young people.
Kooth is a web based confidential support service, providing a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people.
Kooth offers young people the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor. Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. Young people can access regular booked online counselling sessions as needed. Outside counselling hours young people can message the team and get support by the next day.
When a young person registers with Kooth they will have support available to them now and in the future. Support can be gained not only through counselling but articles, forums and discussion boards. All content is age appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.
To find out more visit where young people can register and others can find out more about the service.
You can also view a short video about the service at:
For children and young people
A range of interactive games and calming tools
Toolbox - Childline › toolbox
If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, try some of our calming activities to help let go of your worries. Illustration of a leaf Visit the Calm zone ....
NEW support for children and teenagers
Two new websites that offer advice and support to parents, children and teenagers. Covering a range of health issues and supporting behaviour and changes related to the teen years. Developed by Shropshire Nurses.
The UK children's charity NSPCC
The NSPCC website provides useful information to help parents and children, including tips on how to support children struggling with low mood and anxiety.
The website has a number of fun and helpful TOOLS and CALM areas, that children can access to support them at times when feeling anxious.
Children's Pastoral Page
This page provides emotional support for children, offering little reminders for managing feelings and promotes well being.
See main menu or home page.
Stay safe & well everyone
Please do not hesitate to get in touch for further help and support
Melissa Nagra & Kerry Probyn
Pastoral & ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Assistant)
Contact:01952 460500